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In the post-epidemic period, China's cruise industry looks forward to "rebirth"

The sudden new outbreak of pneumonia has caused a serious blow to the cruise industry in China and the world. At this year's National "Two Sessions", the development of the cruise industry has become the focus of attention of many NPC deputies and members of the CPPCC National Committee. Although seriously affected by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, they are still very optimistic about the development of the cruise industry. They believe that the long-term trend of the cruise industry will not change. A series of suggestions.
Marintec China's special industry reporters combed the suggestions of relevant representatives and members during the two sessions for the industry's reference. We look forward to the early recovery of the cruise industry and new growth.

If we now list the industries most affected by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, the cruise industry will no doubt be among them. Before the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, all the longing for a better life was attached to the cruise industry. The development of the cruise industry can be said to be "money" and has a bright future. After more than ten years of development, my country's cruise industry has also made substantial progress in many areas such as cruise research and development design, final assembly construction, home port layout, supply chain construction, operation services and route planning. As a "pearl in the crown" of the shipbuilding industry, domestic large-scale cruise ships are not only an important carrier to satisfy people's longing for a better life, but also an important starting point for my country's shipbuilding industry to carry out structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading.
However, the sudden new outbreak of pneumonia caused a serious blow to the cruise industry in China and the world. The rapidly developing cruise industry was suddenly pressed the "pause button" and entered a state of suspension. At this year's National "Two Sessions", the development of the cruise industry has become the focus of attention of many NPC deputies and members of the CPPCC National Committee. Although affected by the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, the development of the domestic cruise industry has appeared "stagnation" and some shortcomings have been exposed, but they are still very optimistic about the development of the cruise industry and believe that the long-term trend of the cruise industry will not change. A series of suggestions were put forward to resume the development of the cruise industry under normalized prevention and control of the epidemic, and the construction of large domestic cruise ships.

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards and the upgrade of consumer demand, the scale of cruise tourism demand has expanded rapidly, the cruise industry has developed rapidly, and China's cruise industry has also achieved explosive growth. Over the past decade, my country's cruise tourism industry has grown by leaps and bounds, and has grown rapidly from scratch to become the second largest cruise market after the United States. In the ten years before 2017, my country's cruise industry has maintained a growth rate of 40%-50% or higher, of which 87.8% increased in 2016, almost doubling in one year. Xu Juehui, deputy secretary, director and general manager of the Party Committee of Shanghai Port International Passenger Terminal Development Co., Ltd., a representative of the National People's Congress, said that the emergence and development of China's cruise industry has further enriched people's happy life and created a brand-new industrial chain. Form a cruise economic circle in each cruise home port city, injecting new kinetic energy into economic development around cruise tourism, shipbuilding and other industries.
However, the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic has pressed the "pause button" for the development of the global cruise industry. As cruise ships around the world also have successive outbreaks of virus infections, it has caused public concerns about the safety of cruise ships. On March 13th, the International Cruise Association (CLIA) announced that all its cruise ships would be closed for the first time in the history of cruise ships. On April 5, Australia announced a ban on all cruise liners. On April 10, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced an extension of the 100-day ban on air navigation, which was finally extended to July 24. At the same time, major cruise companies have also issued suspension notices, and the world's three largest cruise companies-Carnival Cruises, Royal Caribbean Cruises and Norwich Cruises, which account for nearly 80% of global passenger traffic, have suspended all flights. Due to the spread and outbreak of the epidemic, various countries have issued travel bans of varying degrees.

China's cruise industry has gone through decades of development in the European and American cruise market in the past decade, but compared with the mature cruise industry in European and American countries, its development is still in its infancy. In the past few years, with the rapid development of the Chinese cruise market, major cruise companies have taken various measures to develop the Chinese market, which has greatly stimulated the booming development of the Chinese cruise market. However, with the slowdown in high-speed growth and the decline in market demand, the contradiction between the imbalance between supply and demand in the domestic cruise market has gradually become more prominent. In fact, before the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, China's cruise industry has begun to enter an "adjustment period." Since 2017, China's cruise tourism industry has encountered unexpected bottlenecks. Not only has the number of cruise tourists dropped sharply, some cruise home ports have been unable to make ends meet, but some international cruise giants have begun to gradually shrink their fronts and reduce the number of ships and voyages invested in China.
2020/11/16 14:40:35 2187 Click


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